@article{oai:yasuda-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000626, author = {池田, 智子 and Ikeda, Satoko}, issue = {27}, journal = {安田女子大学大学院紀要, The journal of the Graduate School, Yasuda Women's University}, month = {Apr}, note = {This study reviewed the researches which have indicated that learning and identity formation are related with career development of university students. The present study suggested that it is necessary to examine how learning and identity formation affect their career development, besides direct factors affecting career decision, for example, career decision-making self-efficacy.}, pages = {37--44}, title = {大学生のキャリア発達に関わる大学での学びとアイデンティティ形成}, year = {2022}, yomi = {イケダ, サトコ} }