@article{oai:yasuda-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000551, author = {長友, 洋喜 and Nagatomo, Hiroki}, issue = {49}, journal = {安田女子大学紀要, Journal of Yasuda Women's University}, month = {Feb}, note = {When we think about the courses on infant music in nursery teacher training facilities, one of the most pivotal issue is whether teachers teach their students scientific knowledge on singing voice. Is it necessary for teachers to give students the information about how vocal organs act when they are singing? Is such information needed in the courses on infant music?  In this paper, I analyzed Frederick Husler’s thought about singing trainings. First, I reviewed the history of music in Germany. Next, I analyzed the position of Huslers’ thought in the History of music in Germany. Then, I analyzed the thought of Husler focusing on the relationship of scientific knowledge and experience in singing education.  Finally, it was clarified that Husler would like to connect scientific knowledge and educational experience if we wanted to teach students singing properly. It was because both science and experience have strong points and weak points, therefore, using both, we would be able to understand the act of singing.  It can be said that according to Husler’s thought, music teachers in nursery teacher training facilities should teach their students about the scientific mechanism on singing voice in the courses of infant music.}, pages = {181--190}, title = {保育者養成校における幼児音楽講座の歌唱に関する予備的研究 -ドイツ音楽史とフレデリック・フスラーの思想を参照枠に-}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ナガトモ, ヒロキ} }