@article{oai:yasuda-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000064, author = {新沼, 正子 and Niinuma, Masako and 平松, 恵子 and Hiramatsu, Keiko}, issue = {30}, journal = {児童教育研究, Childhood Education Research Journal}, month = {Feb}, note = {As schools are strongly influenced by local communities, it is difficult to make improvements in the health conditions of people such as students unless conditions in the communities where people live their daily lives arefavorable. Needless to say, it is useful to improve health conditions in schools for improving the present and futurehealth of the community. In any event, to ensure that children can live healthy lifestyles in order to maintain andimprove their lifelong mental and physical health, it is necessary to realize the ideal of health promotion, and forschools, families, and communities to cooperate. Moreover, in schools, “prevention of infectious disease,”“environmental hygiene,” “health consultation/health guidance,” “the school environment,” “details regardingschool health and evaluation of school health,” and “development of school health and school safety education” areclosely associated with one another.}, pages = {6--1}, title = {医制における学校衛生と現今の学校保健について}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ニイヌマ, マサコ and ヒラマツ, ケイコ} }